Palliative Care Education & Training
Public awareness campaigns need to be developed nationwide in partnership with NGO hospices to create a deeper understanding among the population about the needs for good palliative care.
In order to reach out to more remote areas, programmes using online and video-conferencing such as project ECHO should be considered.
Palliative Medicine is a recognized medical sub-specialty. Hence doctors intending to train as specialists in Palliative Medicine should undergo basic specialist training in internal medicine prior to sub-specialty training. The required qualification at present includes MMed, MRCP(UK), MRCP (Ire), FRACP or any equivalent qualification and completion of gazettement in internal medicine.
The MOH currently has a 3 year fellowship training programme available to physicians intending to undergo consultant training in palliative medicine. This includes 2 years of local training in an accredited palliative care unit under the supervision of a recognized palliative medicine physician and 1 year of overseas training in a recognized palliative care service.
In 2014, the MOH also pioneered in an advanced diploma in palliative care programme which was developed specifically to provide specialized knowledge and skills to nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists. The programme has trained close to 80 nurses and paramedical staff throughout Malaysia. It is currently based in the Kolej Sains Bersekutu Sultan Azlan Shah, Ulu Kinta, Perak.
The universities which currently have palliative medicine teaching within their undergraduates programmes and medical faculty include UM, UKM, UiTM, USM and USIM.