To provide a national forum for the exchange of ideas and information on matters relating to Hospice and Palliative Care, and to encourage the dissemination of such information to the general community and to professional, para-professional and volunteer caregivers through education and community awareness programs;
Provide advice to, and support the development of emerging Hospice and Palliative Care organisations and existing Hospice and Palliative Care Programmes throughout Malaysia;
Consult with government and health authorities on the needs of those with progressive disease which is not responsive to curative treatment, and their families and cares, and generally to act as advocate for the rights of service users;
Assist in the development of appropriate standards for Hospice and Palliative Care in Malaysia, and to promote the maintenance of these standards among members and service providers;
Assist in the identification of areas of needs in the care of such persons and their families, and to initiate action to fulfill those needs, including the provision and running of care facilities and related institutions;
Liaise and co-operate with organisations with similar objectives in the Asia-Pacific region and throughout the world.